Archive for the ‘Messages’ Category

The Stagecoach Story: A Parable On Priesthood Leadership

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Many years ago I found myself seated on the last row of pews for my 9am Sacrament Meeting. I was watching over and trying to control my four sons, the oldest of which was nine. My wife had just had our fifth child that week and was home for the day. It so happened […]

Pray To God, But Row For Shore

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD “There exists a Divine partnership between God and man that is wonderfully depicted in the following story. A young minister was driving through the countryside when he spotted a farmer tilling 40 acres of magnificent farmland. The minister pulled over and addressed the farmer, “God has certainly blessed you with a wonderful […]

Swiftly ‘Shake It Off’

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD I think it was my older brother who I first recall telling me to ‘shake it off.’ Usually he told me this after holding me down and pounding on my arm till it hurt so bad I would start to cry.  I think I was six years old at the time and […]

He Knows Me By Name

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Many years ago Boyd K. Packer repeated this story: “Let me quote from the diary of Joseph Millett, a little-known missionary of an earlier time. Called on a mission to Canada, he went alone and on foot. In Canada, during the wintertime, he said: “I felt my weakness. A poor, ill-clothed, ignorant […]

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