I Join The Centurion Under The Cross!


Spencer W. Kimball said:
“Someone said, “Many people are willing to plod along for 16 to 20 years, from grade one to a Ph.D., to learn medicine or engineering or psychology or mathematics or sociology or biology—to study, research, attend classes, pay tuition, accept help from teachers and professors—and yet to learn about God, the maker of all, the author of it all, in a few intermittent prayers and some very limited hours of research, they feel they can find the truths about God.” (“The Cause is Just and Worthy, April, 1974, GC)

The charge of spiritually educating ourselves has been reiterated over the years by our spiritual leaders. Never have there been so many ways in which we can comply, be it audio tapes, video, compact disk, or the written word. Most of us even have access to reading the word of God on our phones. We live in a day of great technology! We need to “take advantage.” In so doing we will come to know more about God, our Father, and our testimonies will be strengthened of His existence and that Jesus was the His son. Again Spencer W. Kimball from the above referenced talk:

“At one time two men sat in a railway car discussing Christ’s wonderful life. One of them said, “I think an interesting romance could be written about him [Jesus Christ].” And the other replied, “And you are just the man to write it. Set forth the correct view of his life and character. Tear down the prevailing sentiment as to his divineness and paint him as he was—a man among men.” The suggestion was acted on and the romance was written. The man who made the suggestion was Colonel Ingersoll, the author was General Lew Wallace, and the book was Ben Hur.
In the process of constructing it, he found himself facing an unaccountable man. The more he studied his life and character, the more profoundly he was convinced that he was more than a man among men, until at length, like the centurion under the cross, he was constrained to cry, “Verily this was the Son of God.”

General Wallace found, as do all, that upon close examination, Jesus was more than just a man. I too, through my own study, have reached the same conclusion. I join the centurion under the cross, General Wallace and millions of others who have walked this earth in testifying that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed the Son of God! And that faith in Him brings hope, happiness and eternal life to all who believe on His name, and follow his commandments. Let us make the study of our Savior’s life a priority in our lives.

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