Rediscovering That ‘The Perfect Woman’ Is Your Wife!


She is the perfect woman and she was there the first time you caught her smile, held her hand, or shared a laugh. She was there, next to you in the theater, in your arms as you danced the night away, or next to you in the pew at as you soaked in the spirit of the latest sermon at church. She was there, across from you when you exchanged sacred vows and covenants across the Holy Alter of God. She was also there when you held your first babe in arms and felt the taste of fatherhood for the first time.

As time went by the cares of this world took control and there were bills to pay, planes to catch, things to do, combined with endless responsibilities. Somehow along the way ‘the perfect woman’ disappeared because life took over and you stopped seeing.

The story is told of a preacher who was delivering a fiery sermon about the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. He bellowed out to the congregation, “He was the only man who ever lived who was perfect. Can anyone else claim to be perfect?” Quickly a man in the back stood up and raised his hand high. The preacher, startled, glared, “Are you saying that you are perfect?” “No cried the man, I am standing up in proxy for my wife’s first husband, who is deceased.”

Often it takes such a tragedy to jolt, or remind many of us of the ‘perfect’ nature of our spouses. I have spoken to many who only re-discover their ‘perfect’ spouse, after their mate has crossed that ‘river of no return.’ What a shame that it takes such an event to stir up our souls in remembrance and gratitude.

The truth be told, in my case, as with many other husbands, is that ‘the perfect woman’ has always been there with us. From day one she has been with us through the darkest nights of our lives as well as cheering us on to our greatest triumphs! She has held our hand through the stormiest times of life, and also been by our side during the sunshine of our brightest days. She has earned every accolade that should be bestowed upon a queen, while carrying the marks on her body and soul of a devoted and loving wife and mother.

Our wives need to be reminded of the great truth that she is, in our eyes, ‘the perfect woman.’ We need to re-discover that truth daily, so that when the day of separation comes, as it does for all, we won’t be left pondering why the ‘perfect woman’ who traveled by our side ‘as his;’ escaped this world without ever truly knowing who she really is!

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