What ‘Wilson’ Taught Me


Have you ever felt alone? I mean really alone, with no one to talk to? I don’t know if I can say that I have experienced such a feeling but I know there are many that do. And while those with faith can rely on heavenly communication with Deity, there is something to be gained by interaction with another human.

We are into a season of great joy and celebration, but also one that can canker the soul of many who are elderly, rejected, or ill; be it mental or physical. All of us need the companionship of others. There is a reason God declared:

“It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”

He, of course, was referring both to men and women. It really isn’t good to be alone. All alone! In the movie “Castaway” the lead character is marooned alone on an island for four years. During that time he “creates” another person in the form of a volleyball. Using his blood he paints a face on his imaginary companion aptly named, “Wilson,” after the manufacturer. After four years of a ‘relationship’ with ‘Wilson’ he is unable to save him in the middle of his escape back to civilization. I must admit, that watching the lead character wail out, “I’m sorry Wilson,” when he is unable to save him as the volleyball floats away into the ocean brought me to tears. The pitiful nature of it all! The death of this imaginary friend struck such a chord in my heart as it is clear that none of us can survive this weary journey without the support of others.

Let us look for those who need a friend, a visit, a lifting hand, a hug or embrace. As the Savior taught, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40)

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