Archive for February, 2022

Quoth The Raven!

TheDiscipleMD “Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly” (“The Raven”, Edgar Allan Poe) A number of years ago Edwin Mulitalo spoke at a conference for our youth.  He was a member of the 2000 Baltimore Ravens Super Bowel championship team. I remember his humility and the lesson he taught our youth when […]

The 56th Rule of Civility and Decent Behavior

TheDiscipleMD In 1595 French Jesuits composed a set of rules which they called “110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation”. At the age of 16 our first President, George Washington copied by hand these “rules” and patterned his life after them. Many of the rules seem outdated and even “silly” to […]

In Times of Trouble; Let Us Run To The Right Place!

TheDiscipleMD I don’t remember how old I was, but I couldn’t have been more than seven or eight when I awoke late one night and imagined that the doorknob to my room was turning back and forth. At the time, I happened to be sleeping in a room with my brother that had two doors, […]

Creating A ‘Masterpiece” Of Our Lives

TheDiscipleMD From time to time I go back and re-read some of my favorite talks. One which I always enjoy reading was given by the late Joseph B. Wirthlin entitled ” The Abundant Life”. A phrase that popped out to me in reading his address was “creating a masterpiece out of our lives.’ I quote him: “The […]

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