How Churches Help Put Us On The ‘Road To Jericho’!


I’ve known a number of great men in my day. Some have been members of an organized church, some not. Almost without exception, those that are participating members of churches have a much greater sphere of influence for doing good than those that choose to be a ‘lone wolf’ in their Christian service. The rationale behind my conclusion lies not only in observation, but in what Christ did before he left the earth. First lets remember that he made this famous statement:

“Thy art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church…”

This clearly indicates that Jesus intended that a church would be organized to carry out the work. In other places he calls and sets people apart to specific offices and duties. Clearly Christ mandated that a church to organized to carry out the work of the gospel. One of the main responsibilities of His church would be to ‘love’ thy neighbor as well as love God the Father with all ‘thy heart.’

Why would Christ want a church organized after His name? Well among many reasons is that organized churches tend to place their members on the J&J Highway on a consistent basis. What is the “J&J Highway?” Most of us know the story of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan was on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho (The J&J Highway) when he came upon the stranger who had been robbed and beaten. The Good Samaritan was given the opportunity to chose to help or pass by like others had done. And there lies the point. He was on the road so he had the opportunity to act or not. If he wasn’t on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, he never would have the choice. Belonging to a church puts us on the highway between Jerusalem and Jericho far more often than by happen chance. Thus giving us more chances to exercise our free agency to “love our neighbor.” Christ centered churches are about service. And it is service to our fellowman that ennoble us and bring us closer to Christ.

I know there are many people who do much good. A few even transcend the norm and serve and give beyond measure. But for most of us, a good organized church that helps by assigning us tasks, or presents us with service projects that bless the lives of others, is the kick in the pants we need to start us on the road to Jericho. And while traveling on that road, there are plenty of people that are wounded and in need of care on the side of the highway. I for one am grateful to belong to an organized church which presents me, almost daily, with opportunities to serve. Which blesses the lives of others and blesses my life even more.

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