Bone Of My Bones!


A number of years ago my wife and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary  on the same day that a famous political couple announced their separation after forty years of marriage. I recall thinking that even after many decades of marriage, you need to continually nourish your relationship!  Even this past month I know of three couples, who have been married for many years, who have decided to call it quits.  For that reason I have found that it is critical to continue to flame the embers of a marriage.  On our 32nd anniversary,  (we have now been married over forty four years), we went away for two days. We had a blast! I recall when we checked out of our hotel, my wife looked at me and said she had a great time just being together for a couple of days. What was interesting was what she said to me next.  “We really didn’t do anything, not even shop that much. Yet I had so much fun!” It was true, we had spent most of the time driving around Pennsylvania looking for a hotel. They were all booked within an hour of where we were planning on staying. I learned that a short getaway with my wife should first include a hotel reservation. Although, I must say, that part of the weekend fun was just looking for a place to stay. Because I found out that just driving around with the girl you love can have greater rewards than an expensive dinner, movie or other fancy plans. Sometimes the gift of spending time together can bring forth greater fruits than anything else.

Together we have tried to follow the admonition of Paul, “We hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things” (2 Corinthians 1) When you spend a lifetime with someone you either end up like this political couple,  growing apart and divorcing, or you draw closer with the trials.  To have a successful marriage you should learn not to blame; it does no good. You should learn to forgive, because you need forgiveness. You should learn to focus on the good in your mate, because there is plenty there; and also to turn a blind eye to their faults because you have them too!  Sadly so many marriages are shattered because of selfishness.

All I can say, is thank goodness my wife has never given up on me even though I have been guilty at times of having the TV up too loud, the house at 68 degrees, or calling her name too much. I have been found lacking in the wardrobe department,  or not understanding all her moods. Yet, it has been a great partnership and will continue to be so; so long as we both keep our sights fixed on the larger goal of wanting an eternal marriage and a forever family!

The other day as we are driving along and discussing our lives, she spontaneously reached across and laid her hand on top of mine.  As I glanced down, for a moment, it seemed as though her hand melted into mine. She has truly become “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.”  (Genesis 2:23)

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