Our Souls ‘Check Engine’ Light


All of us have been leisurely driving along at some time in our life when the dreaded “check engine” light comes on in our cars. It is scary! It causes panic and anxiety. Thoughts quickly run through your mind, “Is my motor going to blow up on me? Should I pull over? What is the matter with my car? How much is it going to cost to fix whatever it is that is wrong with my car?” Each mile we drive is full of stress as the “little engine” on our dashboard seems to be yelling out at us, “Something is wrong with me, please fix me!” If we are lucky, eventually the light goes out and we wipe our brow. “Whew”, we say, “That was a close one!”

Odds are, that your friendly light is warning you of something very minor. In fact, I once read that there are over a hundred different reasons why that “little engine” lights up. However, there is a small chance that the sight of that light could mean big trouble, which means big bucks, which is why it scares the pants off you when it is lit up! Of course, left unattended, most of the small problems end up becoming big problems over time. Thus the object of the “check engine” light, is to notify you that something is not right and that you need to take the time to service the vehicle.

When the Savior was here on the earth the members of his church looked to him for guidance and direction. They felt safe in his presence. He was there to guide them through the perils of life. When he left, it is recorded that he prayed to the Father on their behalf, that they might receive another comforter. It is recorded in the gospel of John:

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever…the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:16,26).

Heavenly Father has installed a sort of “check engine” light in our bodies. He guides and directs us through the prompting of the Holy Ghost. In a similar fashion as a car, we are given warning messages to our souls, which alert us that something is not quite right. When we listen and respond to the soul’s “check engine” message, we can make proper adjustments so that, what might be a minor issue, doesn’t become a “major” one down the road.  Our ‘spiritual’ check engine light can also  be there to warn us of physical perils. On more than one occasion I know that the still small voice has warned my loved ones of dangerous persons or places ahead.

By living lives that are in “tune”, we are better able to recognize the warning signs that light up on our dashboard of life. May we have the courage to respond to such warnings, and the wisdom to have our souls serviced before we are beyond the point of no return.


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