A Degree In ‘Common Sense’

It seems that every day, a new study comes out from a university or ‘Think tank’ that tells us how there is so much unrest in society. They try to explain to us why our young people are suffering from so much extreme anxiety and how suicide and every major mental and social phobia are gripping the nation. They have done various studies and spent millions of taxpayer dollars researching, studying, and analyzing the data.

It seems that our social elites provide us with all of these studies and then pontificate by giving us explanations that often overlook the obvious. And I must say that when people with prestigious degrees rattle on about the root cause of the Nation’s mounting social problems, I am left pondering in my heart if I am delusional in my ‘common man’ understanding of the fundamental solution, which is to support and build up the God-ordained unit called “The Family.”

I am reminded of a statement put out by my church years ago.

“We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.”

If we did so as a nation, every harmful social problem plaguing us would improve. I don’t hold a PhD or Master’s Degree from a university, nor do I claim to be someone of great intellect. I just have a degree in common sense! Sometimes, I think it’s the most significant Degree of all!

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