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Many Suffer In Silence And Shame With Anxiety And Depression!

TheDisicpleMD We live in a world where public interaction has always been an essential part of our lives. Be it in our jobs, church or even our homes.  Over the years, I have spoken to countless individuals who are suffering from anxiety, depression and a host of other disorders. Some of my church’s faithful members […]

I Want Her…Forever!

“Every man who truly loves a woman, and every woman who truly loves a man, hopes and dreams that their companionship will last forever. But marriage is a covenant sealed by authority. If that authority is of the state alone, it will endure only while the state has jurisdiction, and that jurisdiction ends with death. […]

To My Hometown: Silver Spring, Maryland

TheDiscipleMD “I wrote Silver Springs uh, about Lindsey. And I ~ we were in Maryland somewhere driving under a freeway sign that said Silver Spring, Maryland. And I loved the name. …Silver Springs sounded like a pretty fabulous place to me.” ~Stevie Nicks. Whenever I hear this song on the radio I always think of […]

A Marriage Baked In The ‘Son’

When we walked together, hand in hand, out the temple doors as man and wife on that Thursday afternoon, I’m not sure I really “got it!” After all, I was only twenty-two years old, what did I know about eternity. Together, she and I entered into the great unknown abyss called life. I say “abyss” […]

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