Archive for the ‘Messages’ Category

If We Would Have Faith In Justice, We Must Only Believe In Ourselves!

Print or Email“You know, so much of the time we are lost. We say, ‘Please, God, tell us what is right. Tell us what’s true. There is no justice. The rich win, the poor are powerless…’ We become tired of hearing people lie. After a time we become dead. A little dead. We start thinking […]

In Celebration Of Marriage

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Before I was married I wondered how someone could love the same person for their whole life and beyond. As I have aged in wisdom I have come to discover that as time passes, this love becomes not only stronger but easier. The uniqueness and beauty of your spouse unfolds before your […]

Reasons Known Only To God

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD It was mid-July of 1977. I was driving cross-country on a tour of the Argentina Buenos Aires South mission with my companion and the Mission President.  The Mission President was riding in the front passenger seat, while my companion slumbered in the back seat.  It was nearing dusk as I peacefully drove along […]

Thirteen Lessons I’ve Been Taught By ‘Life’

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD “There is almost always a price to be paid for declaring oneself a “lone wolf.” The risk of so doing far outweighs any benefit one could derive. Keep close to the family, keep close to the church; keep close to the Lord! We were never meant to travel the road of life […]

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