Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

With Gracious Honor! (The Blessings of a Father-In-Law)

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD He has since passed away. I first spoke to him on the phone. It was a tense moment, asking him for his daughter’s hand! It was 1978 and he had never met me or even knew that I was in love with his daughter. I remember the feeling of the conversation all […]

Yet, He Came!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A photographer captured the moment and forever froze it in my mind. The image stands as a testament as to how ‘action’ speaks so much louder than words. It was 1974 and I was participating in the state wrestling finals which was held many miles from my hometown. I had just been badly […]

Dear Daddy!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD “Dear Daddy.” That is how the note began that my little daughter wrote on the day I was informed of my sister’s untimely, and unexpected passing; and somehow, finding her note on my pillow that night brought great comfort. The words she wrote were simple and to the point. Her note simply […]

The Good Die Young

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD It was over a decade ago that I got the dreaded call from my older brother, Richard. I looked down at my cell phone to see his name light up. I knew that he had been in to see the doctor that week for a prognosis on his pancreatic cancer. When I […]

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