Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

One Act Of Kindness Can Change The World For Someone We Know

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMd In 1930 he had been born to a 16 year old unwed mother who would later marry 7 times in her life. His upbringing was one of poverty and uncertainty. In a nutshell, he lived a life none of us would wish on our worst enemy. To escape his pain he joined […]

The Teaching Of A Slothful Son

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD I grew up in a loving home where my parents gave us children enough chores around the house to learn about the benefits of hard work. My personal chores consisted of the typical duties of most children. I was required to make my bed, keep my shared bedroom relatively clean, and do […]

When You Lose A Loved One!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD My wife and I visited her brother this past week, who is suffering from the ravages of cancer. It has been a very painful time for both of us.  Witnessing a loved one suffering brings out the deepest emotions of love and compassion.  I was reminded of the last time I sat […]

Seven Small Habits Of A Great Wife!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Everyone is different so there are no sure-fire habits that work in every marriage, however, I share with you seven small habits my wife has that make her a great wife to me. I emphasize ‘small’ because all of them are easy to do, but seem so hard to maintain over an extended period of time. 1) […]

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