Archive for September, 2021

Lord I Was Born A Rambling Man; Not!

TheDiscipleMD Many years ago a group known as the Allman Brothers released a song that opened with these lyrics: Lord I was born a ramblin’ man Trying to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can And when it’s time for leavin’ I hope you understand That I was born a ramblin’ man (Ramblin’ […]

Modern Anesthesiology Inspired By Story Of Adam & Eve!

TheDiscipleMD Who could have guessed that the Old Testament could give an inspirational kick to the advancement of modern Anesthesiology. Yet, apparently it was, by verses found in the second chapter of Genesis. “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, […]

When Regret Lingers

TheDiscipleMD It was early evening when I stood on my porch while surveying the yard work I had done that day. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the glimpse of a figure of a lone man walking down the sidewalk towards my house. He seemed to be laboring and hunched over as […]

If You Want To Feel “Electricity In The Air” You Have To Pay The Price!

TheDiscipleMD SEPTEMBER 29, 2011 (From the archives) I knew it would be a historic night for Major League Baseball. That’s why I asked my wife if she would go to the final game of the season in Baltimore. The Orioles are, and have been, perennial losers the past fifteen years. But the dreaded Boston Red Soxs were […]

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