TheDiscipleMD Theodore Tuttle, in a talk entitled”The Things That Matter Most,” said: “Some years ago, I read an editorial in the Deseret News entitled “The Mechanical Rabbit.” I quote: “Most of our readers must have smiled the other day when they read of the greyhounds in Britain who don’t know a rabbit when they see […]
Archive for January, 2021
When Thy Neighbor’s Dog Offends You!
TheDiscipleMd I don’t know who was the first to post a sign on their property warning us, but Paul of the New Testament was probably the first to write it down: “Beware of dogs…” (Philippians 3:2) And certainly the psalmist was thinking of me as I lie awake in bed each night to the sounds of my […]
Always Room In His Inn (with Jacuzzi)
TheDiscipleMD A number of years ago my wife and I took a weekend trip to Pennsylvania. Our excursion was sudden and unplanned. We got into the car on a Friday afternoon with the intent of returning home to Maryland by Sunday. Upon our arrival to one of our favorite destinations, we attempted to get a […]
Help! I’m Trapped In this Body!
TheDiscipleMD All of us know that some spirits have been sent here and are trapped in imperfect physical bodies. Both the physically and mentally handicapped are easily recognized and helped accordingly. Most of us have compassion and know that in the eternities they will be made whole. But often we are ignorant to the fact that ‘everyone’ […]