Archive for the ‘Sports Stories’ Category

Yet, He Came!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A photographer captured the moment and forever froze it in my mind. The image stands as a testament as to how ‘action’ speaks so much louder than words. It was 1974 and I was participating in the state wrestling finals which was held many miles from my hometown. I had just been badly […]

“Please Choose Someone Else!”

Print or EmailTheDisicpleMD We all remember playing team games as children. Whether in school or in pickup games around the neighborhood, you always wanted to be chosen first by the team captains. Being “chosen” early is something of an honor. No one wanted to be left standing alone as the last pick. What an insult! […]

Don’t Forget The Old Horses: They Can Still ‘Pull The Wagon!’

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A number of years ago, I was in charge of our church youth softball tournament. It is always enjoyable to play, but that year was made more so by having a long-time friend participate. He and I were old teammates from many years ago and share a love of the game. The […]

Surviving the Grind of Life!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD As a sophomore in high school I decided to try out for the wrestling team even though I scarcely knew a thing about the sport.  Much to my surprise I won a spot wrestling varsity. For me it was a great accomplishment. As inexperienced as I was, somehow I managed to win […]

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