Archive for the ‘Sports Stories’ Category

Inspiration From “The Dugout”

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Inspiration is a tricky thing! We feel impressed to do something, and most often it is right but sometimes, well… doesn’t work out like we thought. Because we are a faith-based church, which strongly teaches that it’s members are entitled to divine inspiration and revelation, we often feel that this “process” of […]

Climbing Life’s ‘Old Rag’ Mountains

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD One of my fondest memories of youth was an annual church event of climbing a mountain called “Old Rag”. The mountain is located in the Shenandoah National Park of Virginia. As a young boy, I looked forward to the day when our congregation took the eight-mile hike up the mountainside. I recall […]

When We Stand With Honor, We Never Stand Alone!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD In my Senior year of High School an incident happened that I have never forgotten. Because of the shortage of fields the football team and the soccer team, of which I was captain, had to share the usage of the football field from time to time. On this particular day we had […]

“Headed” The Right Way!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Soccer is the number one sport in the world, yet it lags far behind as a spectator sport here in the United States. Compared to the high scoring games of basketball, baseball, and football I can see why. But I have a greater appreciation of the sport than most after having played […]

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