Archive for the ‘Example’ Category

One Act Of Kindness Can Change The World For Someone We Know

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMd In 1930 he had been born to a 16 year old unwed mother who would later marry 7 times in her life. His upbringing was one of poverty and uncertainty. In a nutshell, he lived a life none of us would wish on our worst enemy. To escape his pain he joined […]

To The Legions of ‘Forgotten Heroes’

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD In the summer of 1980 we were living in Maryland. That summer my parents were able to get a beach house located on the Chesapeake Bay for a few days. My wife and I, with our young son of just over a year, were excited to go and spend a few days […]

“Angels Don’t Have Wings!”

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A young boy in the first grade was given the assignment in elementary school to make an ornament for Christmas. A popular way to make an ornament in his day, circa 1963, was to Papier-mâché a soda pop bottle into a holiday character. He decided to make an angel. He spent several […]

The Gift Of Subtle Messages Of Great Value

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Before his death, each May and December, I received a gift from my Dad. May is my birthday month and December is, of course, Christmas. On those occasions, for as long as I can remember, he sent me a book, which I believe he did for all his children.  Most of the […]

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