Archive for June, 2021

Are We Robbing Ourselves Of The Moment?

TheDiscipleMD “Most of us at times feel overpowered and depressed by the tasks that lie before us, by the undone things that we have yet to do. A young man, for example, may look ahead at what he feels he must accomplish before he can feel somewhat settled: the years of school that are required; […]

When “Siri” Replaced Our Parents!

TheDiscipleMD A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away newly adult children on their own, used to go to their parents with questions regarding, not only the meaning of life, but for advice on how to do…well…almost anything. Mostly the heads of the newly formed home called about most everything, because, well, if […]

If It Be Of God, Ye Cannot Overthrow It!

TheDiscipleMd As recorded in the fifth Acts of the apostles, after the death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, the apostles Peter and John went about preaching, testifying and healing the sick in the name of Jesus.  Their influence and power was so electric that the multitudes brought forth the sick in hopes “that at […]

Repairing The Slow Drip…Drip…Drip, From Our Souls!

TheDiscipleMD If you have ever had a leaky faucet in your home, you understand that a small constant drip of water, over time, can do tremendous damage. As an insurance agent I have seen a number of occasions where an entire bathroom floor has rotted out due to a small water leak. It took years […]

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