Archive for October, 2020

Trapped like a Rat!

TheDisciplemd When I was a child I used to play a board game called “Mouse Trap.” It was a game that you seldom played to win. Rather you played to see the multiple level mouse trap in action. I don’t know if Milton Bradley still makes this game, but as a boy it left an […]

Humbled Or Hardened, The Choice Is Ours!

TheDiscipleMD Over the course of my lifetime; I have had many private conversations with members of our faith. I have talked with people who have dealt with almost every imaginable problem that life can present. The circumstances of their trials, while different, have been similar because their faith in their fellowman, the church, and even […]

Nothing Is Free In this Life…Or The Next!

TheDiscipleMD Free! Free! Free! That word seems to catch the eye of even the most dispassionate person. Just today I was driving down a two-lane highway when a sign on the side of the road caught my eye. It was the big word “free” painted in red on a big plywood sign. I  passed it […]

A Valuable Lesson On Prayer

TheDiscipleMD (The world needs more men like Elder Scott. He will be greatly missed!) I was taught a valuable lesson in a meeting that was conducted by Richard G. Scott.  He told of how he had once prayed to the Lord fervantly for an answer to a problem that was vexing to him.  After five […]

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