Archive for the ‘Obedience’ Category

The Return On A Ruined Crop?…A Faithful Son!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A number of years ago a member told the story of how he had been raised on a farm in southern Utah. Being raised a member of the Mormon faith, his father diligently tried to adhere to the law of the Sabbath. This now grown man related how on one occasion the […]

The Hardest Calling In My Church

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMd One of my church’s hardest and most thankless callings is the call to “support and sustain” a spouse in his/her church responsibilities. When I have received a calling I have also received the blessings and joy that come with that service. Associations are had, friendships are made and, on occasion, compliments come […]

The Celestial Costume Ball

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD “It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else and still unknown to himself”- Sir Francis Bacon The above quote reminds me of a verse in the New Testament. It is found in the thirteenth chapter of Corinthians. It is a well-known chapter because in it […]

The Teaching Of A Slothful Son

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD I grew up in a loving home where my parents gave us children enough chores around the house to learn about the benefits of hard work. My personal chores consisted of the typical duties of most children. I was required to make my bed, keep my shared bedroom relatively clean, and do […]

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