Archive for the ‘Hope’ Category

Dear Daddy!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD “Dear Daddy.” That is how the note began that my little daughter wrote on the day I was informed of my sister’s untimely, and unexpected passing; and somehow, finding her note on my pillow that night brought great comfort. The words she wrote were simple and to the point. Her note simply […]

The Good Die Young

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD It was over a decade ago that I got the dreaded call from my older brother, Richard. I looked down at my cell phone to see his name light up. I knew that he had been in to see the doctor that week for a prognosis on his pancreatic cancer. When I […]

The Shattered Music Box

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A number of years ago I was preparing to teach an early morning religious class for our youth. It was centered on the gift of “spikenard” that Mary used to anoint the head and feet of the Savior just prior to his death. The lesson asked the instructor to bring to class […]

Through The Prism Of Faith They Are Becoming Who They Are Worshipping!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD As I surveyed the room where we were gathered for the dinner celebration of my wife’s birthday, I couldn’t help but notice that I was the only one in the room with the spouse of my youth. I also couldn’t help but notice that despite the tragedy that had befallen upon the […]

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