Archive for the ‘FACEBOOK FAVORITE’ Category

What We Do for Ourselves Dies…What We Do For Others Is Immortal!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Albert Pine once said: “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Each of us will brush up against others during our sojourn here on earth. Almost all who come to this earth leave footprints, some soft and small, others […]

Seven Small Habits Of A Great Wife!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Everyone is different so there are no sure-fire habits that work in every marriage, however, I share with you seven small habits my wife has that make her a great wife to me. I emphasize ‘small’ because all of them are easy to do, but seem so hard to maintain over an extended period of time. 1) […]

What I Learned In The Land Of Oz

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Having been born and raised in the Washington, D.C., area, I was privy to the building and dedication of one of my religion’s temples. As you round the Washington Beltway, it still stands majestically above the trees and looks like something out of the land of Oz. More times than I can […]

“I Hate My Legs!”

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMd Over thirty years ago I sat at the bottom of the driveway to my house waiting for the school bus to come. Seated next to me in the car was my then six-year-old daughter, who was in first grade. As we chatted she blurted out, “I hate my legs!” Somewhat taken back […]

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