Archive for July, 2016

When The ‘Mormon Moment’ Comes To Other Faiths (How Will We React?)

TheDiscipleMD “Owing to the many reports which have been put in circulation by evil-disposed and designing persons, in relation to the rise and progress of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, all of which have been designed by the authors thereof to militate against its character as a Church and its progress in […]

Innocent…But Guilty! (The Fate Of Unbaptized Children)

TheDisicpleMD   Perhaps you have never experienced this in your life but I have. Much like when I disturb my wife by snoring at night, she on occasion, wakes me up in the middle of the night with her involuntary hysterical laughter. It doesn’t make me mad, like my snoring does for her…I mean, how […]

The Assassination Of Noah (Hollywood Style)

TheDiscipleMD I know that movies can sometimes exaggerate and take licence with historical characters, but after watching the movie “Noah” a couple of years ago, I couldn’t help but notice that the writers succumbed to the common Hollywood stereotypical depiction of a loony prophet of God gone mad. I guess it wouldn’t be so bothersome if you knew that everyone was […]

Satan Doesn’t Want Us To Know Our True Identity!

TheDiscipleMd One of the doctrines that seem to bother our Christian brothers and sisters is our concept that we can become like God. This concept seems like blasphemy to them. The teaching of this concept and similar reaction is not new. Listen to the words of Jesus Christ as spoken to the Jews. “I and […]

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