Archive for July, 2020

The Definition Of A Fanatic

TheDiscipleMD In a 2005 fireside address given by Dallin Oaks, entitled “The Dedication of a Lifetime,” he spoke of being constant and steady in our dedication to the gospel. Fanaticism in any form can be harmful if it is extreme. Here are some of his words: “The “dedication of a lifetime” requires one to be […]

Its Useless!

TheDiscipleMD The story is told of a kind couple who visited an elderly man in the hospital who was in his last hours of life. With death at the doorstep and no apparent hope, the woman visiting, trying to be kind, said to the dying man, “You have such nice hair.” To which he flatly […]

Nibbling At The Abundant Life!

TheDiscipleMD In my mind, the now deceased Joseph B. Wirthlin certainly wasn’t  a great orator. However, while I didn’t think much of his presentation, the talks her gave were gems and I always looked forward to reading them. Such is the case with a talk he gave in 2006. His talk titled “The Abundant Life” gave wonderful counsel […]

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