Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD “There exists a Divine partnership between God and man that is wonderfully depicted in the following story. A young minister was driving through the countryside when he spotted a farmer tilling 40 acres of magnificent farmland. The minister pulled over and addressed the farmer, “God has certainly blessed you with a wonderful […]
Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category
Call Upon He Who Understands
Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Over the course of my lifetime I have had the privilege of privately meeting with thousands of saints. Some of those interviews have been with members whose lives have been going “wonderfully”, at least in that moment in time. But I have also been privy to hear thousands of stories of heartache […]
There is No “Doctorate Of Testimony!”
Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Harold B. Lee had these words of wisdom. Said he: “I read recently from a column in the Washington Post, by George Moore, who styled himself as the “hermit of Mount Vernon.” (Mount Vernon, of course, was the ancestral home of George Washington.) In this article he said, “I have spent the […]
O Savior Stay This Night With Me!
Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A few years ago the focus of a church meeting was the hymns of our faith. It brought me to reflect upon my favorite hymn. My favorite hymn today is not my favorite hymn of yesteryear. My favorite characters found in the scriptures have been changing, according to my age and life experiences. So too, […]