Archive for June, 2022

Idols of Today’s World Are Not Golden!

TheDiscipleMD My wife and I were watching the news a few years ago when a human interest story came across the six o’clock news. It was a heart wrenching story of a little boy who is suffering from the effects of cancer. I didn’t catch the details of the prognosis for this young boy but the story […]

Leaving My “Lunch” On The Streets of Philadelphia!

TheDiscipleMD A few years back, when we lived in Maryland,  my sister and her husband were visiting from out of town. They, along with my wife and I, strolled the streets of Philadelphia on a walking tour of the city. I’m rarely sick, but that day I was overcome with a violent stomach attack that […]

I Am Grateful For My Second Mom; Her Price Is Far Above Rubies!

TheDiscipleMD Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Over forty-four years ago, my then fiancé, picked me up at the airport. I was nervous as I got in the car because, although we were engaged to be married, I had never met her parents. Our college romance […]

I Can’t Believe That Heavenly Father Loves Me!

TheDiscipleMD A number of years ago Bonnie D. Parkin said: “Our Heavenly Father loved us before we came to this earth. I know that He loves us…as does His Son, Jesus Christ.That love will never change—it is constant. You can rely on it. We can trust it… I know of a young mother with five […]

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