Archive for the ‘Death/Grief’ Category

Through The Prism Of Faith They Are Becoming Who They Are Worshipping!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD As I surveyed the room where we were gathered for the dinner celebration of my wife’s birthday, I couldn’t help but notice that I was the only one in the room with the spouse of my youth. I also couldn’t help but notice that despite the tragedy that had befallen upon the […]

The Most Popular Post of 2014

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD SHOULDERS WET WITH TEARS (December 9, 2014) “I really can’t explain it but it happened.  In 2002 my mother passed away and I thought I was handling her loss very well.  Then, one Sunday, a few weeks after my mother died, a fellow church member came up to me and gave condolences […]

Cherubims In Flight!

Print or EmailIt was over two decades ago that my mother passed away. It was a difficult time for my family but as might be expected, it was most difficult on my Father who lost his partner of over 50 years. My Father joined the many travelers detoured down Widower’s Lane. It is a lonely […]

My ‘Take’ On Les Miserables

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD A few years ago during the holiday season I was “taken” by my wife to the local theater to watch Les Miserables on the big screen. I must admit that I went solely out of duty and because I wanted to score “brownie” points with her. And although I admit that I […]

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