Archive for the ‘Obedience’ Category

Changed Men Change The World

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD I once knew a man who had reached the ripe age of ninety. He is a man who had seen much over his lifetime. At one point in his life he drifted away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. He told the story of how, during that time, he was out horseback […]

My Positive Experience With “The Honor Code”

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Many years ago, while one of my sons was away from home attending college, he called and complained about how restrictive and ridiculous the ‘honor code’ system was at the church sponsored university he was attending. As he put it, “I am a grown adult. I served a two-year full-time mission and I […]

The Finger of Scorn Pointed Directly At You!

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD Gordon B. Hinckley said over twenty years ago, “We live in a season of wickedness, pornography, immorality. All of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah haunt our society. Our young people have never faced a greater challenge. We have never seen more clearly the lecherous face of evil”. (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Living […]

Seeking Happiness In Iniquity

Print or EmailTheDiscipleMD I was reading in the scriptures the other day when I came across the words of Samuel the Lamanite. He is preaching repentance to the people and lamenting their state of unrighteousness. He has many things to say unto the people but one verse stood out to me like no other. It […]

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