“Does God Have A Plan For Me?”


In the movie “Simon Birch”, the young boy Simon asked the preacher if God had a plan for him. The preacher answered that God did, but didn’t elaborate on what “that plan” was. The preacher gave the answer that he knew to be inherently right, but gave no explanation to the young man as to what the plan was for him. It was simply a trite statement that was empty of meaning or direction. I don’t blame the preacher, he didn’t explain more because…well, perhaps he didn’t know more.

I would hope that if that question were asked to any of us we would answer that not only does God have a plan for each of us, but that we could explain in some depth the plan of salvation as revealed in the restored gospel. This plan is also referred to as “the plan of happiness”, which is a unique way of looking at the grand plan. It is a plan to make us happy. I quote from a talk given by Adhemar Damiani recorded in the March 2004 Ensign called “The Merciful Plan of the Great Creator”. His words would have been great value to the perplexing question posed by Simon.

“Our Heavenly Father has prepared a plan for us to be happy. This plan is known as the plan of salvation. It is also mentioned in the scriptures as the plan of happiness (see Alma 42:8), the plan of mercy (see Alma 42:15), or the plan of redemption (see Alma 42:11). The Father’s objective is to grant immortality and eternal life to each of His children (see Moses 1:39). His plan includes the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement, with all the laws, covenants, and ordinances that allow us to be exalted and live forever as a family with God. Nephi’s brother Jacob teaches us the basic doctrine of the plan of salvation with great clarity in 2 Nephi, chapter 9. He calls it “the merciful plan of the great Creator” (2 Ne. 9:6). The central figure of the plan of salvation is Jesus Christ, who made exaltation possible through His infinite and eternal Atonement. Our Heavenly Father has revealed the plan of happiness through His prophets.”

The above answer regarding the plan of salvation would have given the fictional character Simon Birch, a real answer to his question. It is important for us to remember how blessed we are to have knowledge of this great plan which ultimately will lead us to true happiness. “Count your Many Blessings, name them One by One” is a refrain we sing often in our meetings. A knowledge of this great plan is one of the greatest blessings revealed to mankind. May we remember to be grateful to the Lord for living in a time where the purpose of life has been revealed and not only do we know that God has a plan for us, but we now know the details.

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