Archive for April, 2015

I Credit My Wife!

TheDiscipleMD I’ve done many things over the years to get attention but seldom has one decision caused such a stir as when I present my bank card to vendors.  A couple of years ago I took advantage of the bank’s offer to put a personal picture on my bank card. I chose a then recent picture of my spouse. Almost without exception […]

The True Centerpiece of the Gospel

TheDiscipleMD “Too often we complicate the beauty and simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ with endless lists of meticulous expectations. However, when we focus on the ‘why’ of the gospel, much of the confusion fades away.” (Dieter Uchtdorf, WLTM, 2012) The “why” of the gospel, as stated by President Uchtdorf, is the essential doctrines […]

“I’d Like To Bury My Testimony!”

TheDisicpleMD A young child once testified across the pulpit one Sunday that, “I would like to bury my testimony.”  The slip of the tongue by a small child can sometimes speak more truth than we would like to admit. Perhaps all of us, at some time in our life,  would like to ‘bury’ our testimony instead of ‘bear’ […]

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