It’s her birthday! What can you really give to the woman who has given you almost forty four years of her life to you. What can you possible do, or say; that could communicate to her the nature of how you really feel? How can you really show her, in the most intimate way how much she means to you? Can you really approach and show the magnitude of emotion that swells up in your soul when you recall how she carried your children inside her body, and then nurtured them to adulthood, which may never come? I am dumbfounded as to how you show such gratitude. I am just a regular guy. A man, I suppose, of simple means and ways.
But I will try today to make it known to her, in what I say and do, that she means everything to me. How will I do that, I know not; but I am willing to try. I believe that everyone can find that ‘one’ who completes their life. I know I have. But completion for her by me requires more than just words. By definition it means ‘the fulfillment of all obligations by the Contractor in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.” And I pledged to honor, respect and love her all throughout all eternity. So the present to my wife, on this her most special day, is a renewed determination to tell her often how much I love her, and then demonstrate it in everyway I can by my actions.
As a side note, this past week I had a very expensive ride to the ER due to an allergic reaction. As I went in and out of consciousness the only thing that was consistently in my mind was the love I have for her. And I found out that the greatest smell in this world is the perfume Valentino that my wife wears. As I laid on her shoulder waiting for that expensive ride; the smell of her Valentino kept me alert and thinking, “No way I’m leaving, cause the smell of her scented skin is something I never want to give up. In fact, I wonder what a gallon of that stuff costs? Maybe she wants that more than some hokey “I love you!” Maybe I will give her both. Perfume wrapped in a sincere “I love you! That’s it! A ‘Valentino’ Birthday! (Maybe buying a few other things will help ease the pain of being married to me. That’s the ticket!)