“A whole new world, that’s where we’ll be.” (Aladdin, Disney)
Yes, it is a whole new world for a married man and wife when death knocks at their door. Suddenly, and sometimes very unexpectedly, the partnership is dissolved and one spouse is left here on earth, alone, and grappling for answers as to the fate of their mate, as well as the future of their shared love.
Most married couples go through life knowing of the inevitable nature of the dissolution of their marriage upon death, but they never really face the consequences of such a fate. It is only when the cold hard reality of separation stares them in the face, as they gaze upon their beloved’s physical body being slowly lowered into the dark bowels of the earth, do they take stock of the eternal nature of their relationship. Till then many just don’t want to think about it, because, that’s life and there is nothing they can do about it. Or is there?
One of the most hopeful doctrines taught on earth is that the marriage covenant can last into the next life. And that although death is inevitable, the dissolution of a marriage is not! The hope of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, is that the doctrine of eternal marriage has been revealed and the joy that it affords us all is something that cannot be totally understood until the pangs of separation fall upon us.
The glory of the doctrine of eternal marriage can be made effective on worthy couples when they are married by those in authority to administer this ordinance. If we love our spouse, and want to be with them for eternity, now is the time to take upon us the covenants that can make it happen, lest, when death visits a marriage, we find ourselves in a whole new world, staring into the hopeless abyss, wondering…wondering… if the emptiness in our hearts will ever be healed!