We Are Not Authorized to Apologize For The Lord


Last year an address was given by a member of the High Council in Stake Conference with an outstanding message. In short, he admonished us that we need not apologize for the standards of the church, since the standards are not “of the church” but are “of the Lord”. Therefore, we should not, and really cannot apologize for standards that are not of our own making, but are of God. When looked at it in that light, you can see that none of us has the right, nor authority, to rescind the commandments of our Heavenly Father simply because they are not either understood, and or accepted of others. A number of our church leaders have, over the years, admonished us to “be not ashamed”. Elder Boyd K. Packer once declared:

“…I have never felt uncomfortable among people of wealth or achievement, of high station or of low. Nor have I been ashamed of my heritage or of the Church, or felt the need to apologize for any of its doctrines, even those I could not defend to the satisfaction of everyone who might ask” (“The Only True Church”, Oct. 1985)
Elder Joseph P. Wirthlin said:
“To those who have strayed because of doctrinal concerns, we cannot apologize for the truth. We cannot deny doctrine given to us by the Lord Himself. On this principle we cannot compromise. I understand that sometimes people disagree with doctrine. They even go so far as to call it foolish. But I echo words of the Apostle Paul, who said that sometimes spiritual things can appear as foolishness to men. Nevertheless, “the foolishness of God is wiser than men.”(Concern for the One”, GC, 2008)
One more quote from a church leader:
“We make some strong claims in our Church; we do not apologize for that. We have that responsibility. We have the truth. We are proclaiming the truth” (“Which Way to Shore”, William H. Bennett, Oct. 1973, GC)
Sometimes, with our limited understanding, it can be hard to “standup” and be counted when faced with those who oppose our standards. Yet, if we truly believe in living prophets and apostles, then we should take strength in knowing that we are on the Lord’s side. And frankly, we wouldn’t want to be found in any other place. On occasion I’ve heard people talk and say, in describing a position that some historical figure took, that he or she was “on the wrong side of history”. But the “wrong side of history” as defined by man doesn’t mean it’s the “wrong side of history” in regards to the laws of God. Let us take courage in knowing that the ways of the Lord are often not the ways of man. It would be wonderful if it was, but history has proven that mankind is quick to get off the proven pathway of God.
Finally I quote President James E. Faust who so eloquently left us with these words:
“We must not apologize for what has been revealed through our prophets in our time. It is the word of the Lord to the world. There is always a price to be paid if we are to have a witness of this holy work. There is always a trial of our faith” (“Of Seeds and Soils”, Oct. 1999, GC).

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