Many years ago I was attending a Stake Priesthood Executive Committee Meeting. Time had been set apart for a report to be given by the President of the Young Women’s organization. At the appropriate time she was called into the room and given the opportunity to give her report. A few weeks later I happened to be in a meeting where this sister was addressing an audience of young women leaders. She told of her recent experience of giving a report to the Stake Presidency and the High Council at the above-mentioned meeting. Then with great emotion she said, “When I came into the room every man there stood up and waited for me to take a seat before they sat back down. I tell you sisters I have never felt more touched by this simple gesture, which testified to me of the respect that these priesthood leaders have for women.” As I sat and listened to her testimony I became acutely aware that by small deeds hearts are revealed. It had never occurred to me, and I’m sure to the other men in attendance at that meeting, that we needed to do that in order to show her respect. It was simply a natural act that came spontaneous to us all.
“Many years ago, during the time of President Heber J. Grant, the First Presidency wrote: ‘The true spirit of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gives to woman the highest place of honor in human life. To maintain and to merit this high dignity she must possess those virtues which have always, and which will ever, demand the respect and love of mankind…. (because) a beautiful and chaste woman is the perfect workmanship of God”. (James E. Faust, April 2000 Sessions, “Womanhood: The Highest Place of Honor”).
I am grateful to a church, which has taught me from infancy to respect womanhood and to honor the important role they have in society. I have always been impressed by the sincere manner in which good men of the church honor their wives and daughters. It is seldom that I hear unkind words spoken by men towards their wives. Amazingly, I don’t ever recall a disparaging word said by any man in a church meeting towards womanhood. What a remarkable thing! It is made more remarkable seeing as I have participated in thousands of meetings attended solely by men. What a contrast to the business world!
Jesus Christ himself is the ultimate role model in how to honor womanhood. Living in times that I’m sure relegated women to a submissive role in society; he always treated the women in his life with the utmost respect and honor. I’m glad to belong to a church that has restored that honor to woman the way the Lord and Savior intended! An understanding of the great role of women is a part of the wonderful restoration that is often overlooked.