In one of the more romantic moments of the movie, “The Notebook”, a dying wife asks her husband, “Can our love create miracles?” He answers that he thinks that their love can accomplish anything. This is a wonderful exchange between a couple who clearly love each other and want their love to last beyond the grave. And while the answer the husband gives is powerful and full of hope, the question whether love between a husband and a wife can last forever is a vexing mystery to many.
In my experience the inherent nature of couples is to believe that love through marriage will somehow conquer all. Most believe that love lasts beyond the grave and that their marriage relationship will be forever because it feels so wrong to think that it will be erased at death. Not having the same relationship after death with loved ones means life in Heaven is, well…no heaven at all! Yet, the doctrines and teachings of our day preach that marriage is not eternal, but temporal. The traditional teaching that marriage is ended upon death is founded in the interpretation of a statement made by the Savior in Mark, Chapter 12, where he said that, “in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage.” However, this statement is subject to interpretation. Time and space do not allow a proper rebuttal to this teaching, but suffice it to say that through the restored gospel, the doctrine that marriage can be for eternity has been revealed.
I don’t think there could be any more profound doctrine that affects the manner in which we live our lives than the doctrine that marriage can be eternal and that families can be forever. Who would be against such a teaching? The thought is satisfying to the soul and to the heart and also to the mind. While we can understand the injustice that exists in this world due to man’s agency, what just God would separate us from the relationships that are the core of who we are and what we want? I shutter to think of the coldness of it all!
Can love create miracles? Through the beauty of the restored gospel the answer is a resounding “Yes.” By obedience to the ordinances and commandments of the gospel, our marriage covenant can last beyond the veil. No more comforting doctrine as been revealed to man.