We have just spent last week feasting on our physical blessings. Let us take time this week to feast upon the creation of our Heavenly Father, the Earth. It stands as the greatest testimony of His existence. As we study the environment, as we examine a blade of grass, as we feel the wind, as we listen to the stillness, broken from time to time by the sounds of the birds, we will begin to sense the beauty of God’s work. Look, listen and feel of the power of the Master’s handiwork. His evidence is everywhere. His love is manifest in his work.
We too, are a part of his work; in fact WE ARE HIS MASTERPIECE! All that we see, all that we hear, all that we sense, has been created to give variety to this life. All these to give experience, to give joy and happiness to us, his children. We have a loving Father, who desires the best for his children. He desires that we become like him. He has given us commandments to bless our lives and to serve as a guide for finding happiness. Remember that the commandments are given to enrich our life; not to restrict but to liberate and set us free from the consequences of sin. Thus the commandments are given of love.
As our earthly parents are wiser, and desire the best for us, so our Heavenly Father, the perfect father, desires great things for us. His love and compassion is unconditional, is endless, and is perfect. We are the recipient of that love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
We are of great worth and value. Study, ponder and pray. Keep close to the Lord through the reading of the scriptures, prayer and in doing good to all men. Great pearls of wisdom wait for those who search diligently. Seek ye this day to serve the Lord and all of His promised blessings with be forthcoming.