Wouldn’t It Be Nice If We All Came From Loving Families!


A few years ago I was attending the church where my granddaughters were participating in a program for the entire congregation. I was, once again, struck by the innocence of small children and how angelic they can so often look and act. One little girl got up to the podium and said:

“I know the Savior loves me because he gave me a family.”

It is such a simple statement but it penetrated deeply into my soul. I know she didn’t just think to say that. I’m sure that line came from some adult, but…somehow, to me, hearing it out of the mouth of a small child seemed much more credible. When I look at the animal kingdom, there are few species, if any, that nurture their young for such a long period of time. A human is dependent for years on some other human for on life itself. Most often that someone is a parent or sibling or even relatives. There are exceptions to everything but the family unit, as given to us by the Lord, is the lifeblood of us all. It cannot be denied nor argued against by anyone who rationally looks at humanity. Some come into this world in less than favorable conditions regarding “family.” But, it still doesn’t take away from the model we should strive to create.

May we look at the family as something that is God-given! May we act accordingly and be there for its members. May we ever be grateful for the family and all the blessings that come with it. God does love us, and the family, for almost all, is the biggest blessing we will ever receive. And wouldn’t it be nice if we all came from loving families as God intended?

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