One And The Same

I write often of my marriage because I think it is important that there are voices out there communicating that, although sometimes hard; marriage is well worth the investment. And also that there is a thing called “eternal love” that can exist between a man and a woman. There are millions living as married couples that are happily married and are not only faithful in body, but also in mind and spirit to their mates.

From time to time I write amateur poems intended to impress my wife. I attempted to do so again when I dedicated this one to her a few years back that is based on a true story.


I asked God “If she’s the one”

Might you give to me a sign

Give me concrete proof

She forever will be mine

Let me dream of her tonight

When I go to sleep at nine

Then I’ll know for certain

With the outcome I’ll be fine

And as I slumbered in the night

An angel stood in time

Showing me the vision

Of a girl just so sublime

I knew her face and her smile

The night before we’d dined

I married her the very next month

A promise for all time

Now my wife of many years

She’s taken on my name

I’ve learned that angel and that girl

Are really both one and the same

What has been most surprising to me is that over the past 46 years, is what has happened is that she and I have become “one and the same.” Not one in thought process, but “one” in wanting to put the comfort of the other, equal to the comfort of ourselves. That is when the statement of Adam becomes real. “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” and “he shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.” Is there any greater love than that image!

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