Thanks To Mothers, All Of Us Ugly Ducklings Are Swans!


What child from my era didn’t read Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the ugly duckling and not be uplifted and inspired by its message of the power of change and transformation. When ‘The Ugly Duckling’ saw his reflection in the water for the first time as a mature Swan, it gave hope to all children that somehow their gangly bodies would turn out to be strong and beautiful and they would majestically stand tall in the end.

But the real beauty of this story to me is that like so many little boys and girls, I was taught by my mother that I was born a swan. No matter that I was or wasn’t an ugly duckling, the reflection I saw of myself was through the eyes of my mother and like a true queen, she never saw anything but a swan. It’s been over twenty years since my Mother passed away but the love that she stamped in my heart is lasting longer than her life on her on earth. She truly is my “Mother Angel!”

What a great blessing mothers are in the lives of us ugly ducklings. It is because of them that our webbed feet have spread and on their wings of faith we have soared higher than the world would believe! I love you Mom! Because of you all of us feel like sons and daughters of nobility!

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