A ‘dog whistle’ is silent to the human ear, but emits sound in the ultrasonic range which both dogs and cats hear; the sound of which can be used in their training. The fact that we, as humans can’t hear the sound, doesn’t invalidate the fact that the sound is being emitted, the proof of which is the ability for dogs and cats to hear it and respond. If not properly educated, the user, as well as observers, would think that a ‘dog whistle’ is useless and is a hoax. Yet, those that have used it to train animals, know that it is real, even though they have never heard the sound that comes from the whistle.
When it comes to the ‘spiritual’ dog whistle used by the Lord to communicate, primarily through the Holy Spirit, some scoff and say it is not real. But simply because they have not heard it, doesn’t mean it is not real. Only those who are ‘in tune’ are made partakers of the training that comes from the Lord’s ‘spiritual whistle.’
The scriptures are full of examples of the Lord communicating His will to individuals, as well as nations, through a ‘spiritual’ dog whistle. Sorryful will be the time when mankind walks unaffected by the voice of the Lord, which permeates the universe with guidance, peace, love, and intellectual education. May we not scoff and take lightly the reality of the Holy Ghost, and it’s influence upon this world. It is real, even if we don’t hear it’s voice.