When last I saw it, twas battered and scared, not running and scarcely worth saving. But when I got my car back it looked better than before I had the accident. The hood and fender are new. The broken and time scared grill has been replaced. The new emblem stands proudly perched on top of the hood. I stood and cheered in the parking lot. Who had changed my car and made its value of worth, why, twas “the touch of the body shop’s hand.” I am, of course, over dramatizing the repairs made to my automobile. But, the principle is the same as is told in the famous story/poem by Myra B. Welch called “The Touch of the Master’s Hand”. It is clear the same can be done for the souls of men by the power of the atonement.
Richard G. Scott seems to have had an insight into this concept of trusting in the Lord’s power. He gave many wonderful talks over the years and gave powerful and important lessons regarding repentance and forgiveness. He had this to say: “Many of you suffer needlessly from carrying heavy burdens because you do not open your hearts to the healing power of the Lord…Have you done things that you wish you had not done? Is it difficult for you to see any way to solve your problems? Does there seem to be an oppressive, crushing weight that’s always there no matter how you seek to shake it?…You may publicly complain that your friends and even the Lord have abandoned you, but in times of sober reflection you realize it is you that have abandoned them…I know that you can escape the controlling influence of the evil one, and the repressive chains that bind your life. That relief will require you to accept a solution that is likely foreign to your current personal experience! It will require you to exercise faith in a Father in Heaven who loves you…you must trust that the Savior has given His life so that you can make the required changes in your life, changes that will bring peace and the illusive success that always seem beyond your reach…You must seek the help of others who understand and live that better way…This will require you to learn and obey the teachings of the Lord. Once you have fully committed yourself to that change, you will find that it is not as difficult as it now may seem. (Richard G. Scott, “To Be Free of Heavy Burdens,” Ensign, Nov 2002).
Change is almost always difficult! At times we all fall into ruts and habits that are not uplifting. I have found that when I exercise faith in the words of Christ, and the words of inspired men and women, I feel better. I feel hope, and more fully enjoy the blessings in my life. Richard Scott was right! More times than not, I am the one who has “abandoned” the Lord, not the other way around. That is, I have ceased to do the things that feed and enlighten my mind and soul! I am essentially cutting myself off from the spirit. Most of us are guilty of doing this at different times in our life. Satan is the master of discouragement. During trying times he would have us believe that there is no hope! By sowing seeds of discouragement he is able to depress our spirits and take advantage of our weaknesses. I echo the words of Peter, written so many years ago to his fellow “strangers”:
“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ…” (1 Peter 1:13). Have faith in Christ and in his grace and mercy and in the power of his atonement! Change is possible through the touch of the master’s hand.