Upon resurrection our bodies, according to the scriptures, will rise from the dead with various degrees of glory, meaning the bodies will be different. In Corinthians, it says:
“There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star different from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead…”
Many of us have a hard time understanding how bodies can be different but the same. However, the physical bodies we now inhabit are a perfect example of this concept. Although we all have bodies, some are better than others. The young body has the capacity to procreate but loses that ability with age. Some bodies are healthy and can take a beating, while others cannot. In fact, every human body is the same, yet each is also unique. In this life this might be random but in the eternities the bodies we inhabit will be based upon our worthiness.
The type of body we inherit for the eternity predicates if we can dwell in the presence of our Heavenly Father. If we were to move closer to the Sun there would be a point where our physical bodies would burn up. We know that we cannot abide too close to the Sun as we are not physically capable of doing so. So it is with our resurrected bodies. We strive, in this life, to attain the highest degree of glory, which is life with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They will not shut us out, but we, through disobedience, will inherit bodies not capable of abiding in their presence.
It is important to live such that, upon resurrection, we can be found worthy of “celestial” bodies that will be able to abide in the presence of our Lord. There we will find happiness and the ability to have eternal offspring and be together as a family unit.