When The Final School Bell Sounds!


The words of Paul the Apostle written to the saints:

“Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. (Colossians 3:24-25)

I once spoke with a friend who related to me that as he stood over his mother’s grave on the day of her burial, he couldn’t help but reminisce about having attended the funeral and burial of another man years earlier in the same cemetery. This man’s funeral was attended by dignitaries and important people of business, as well as the most influential politicians of the day.  They had come to pay respects to this man and his life as he was a giant in the business industry, well-known, and well-respected.

As my friend stood over his mother’s grave, he said, “I couldn’t help but think that there she lies, her greatest title being that of only a Mother. Yet, she lies buried in the same ground as the man of great wealth and fame. In the end, they both ended up in the same place.”

Indeed the words of another woman, just a mother, seem to echo throughout the eternities.  Upon hearing that she would bear the Son of God, Mary proclaimed:

“He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. (Luke 1:52)

Yes, in death, all of us are stripped of this world’s honors. Indeed, we are all dressed in the same uniform when the final school bell sounds.  May we always remember that the honors of man are buried in the ground, while the glory of God soars through the sky…for eternity!

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