Archive for April, 2022

A ‘Valentino’ Birthday!

It’s her birthday! What can you really give to the woman who has given you almost forty four years of her life to you. What can you possible do, or say; that could communicate to her the nature of how you really feel? How can you really show her, in the most intimate way how […]

The Building of ‘No Regrets’

TheDiscipleMD I opened the door to the past by visiting a building on BYU’s campus called Knight-Mangum Hall. What once had been home to the “Language Training Mission,” was now empty and under renovation. Home to missionaries being trained to go overseas, Knight-Mangum Hall was the precursor to the present day “Missionary Training Center.” I […]

What Of Our Body In The Eternities?

TheDiscipleMD Upon resurrection our bodies, according to the scriptures, will rise from the dead with various degrees of glory, meaning the bodies will be different. In Corinthians, it says: “There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is […]

The Gift Of Loss

TheDiscipleMd It was over 15 years ago when, at the funeral of my Mother, my Father addressed across the pulpit the subject of the ‘gift of loss.’ When he sat down, the presiding authority leaned over and whispered, “They didn’t get it.” What did my Father mean by the phrase, “the gift of loss,” and […]

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