I waited too long on the school playground. I was having so much fun…so I soiled my pants before I could make it to safety. Now I sat stranded in the boys lavatory in a bit of, (excuse the pun), mess.! What was I going to do now? I pondered my situation but couldn’t come up with any good answer. Just then my 1st grade teacher poked her head into the boys room. “Scottie, are you alright?” I couldn’t contain my angst and embarrassment. From the depths of my desperate soul I yelled out, “I want my Mom!” The door slowly closed. Within minutes my Mom showed up to save the day. Fresh underwear and new dungarees. Dignity saved; love prevailed!
I suppose if you are like me you have been caught, at least once in life, with your pants down. How often has the exclamation of a child in such distress been, “I want my Mom!” Sometimes, even as an adult, when I am in moments of distress, I want to yell out, “I want my Mom.” She will make it alright. She will save the day! She will be a savior to me, once again!
Well, my Mom has been gone from this earth for many years, yet in reflective private moments I reach out to her spirit. I know she cannot save me from the earthly trial I am going through, but the knowledge that she is alive, somewhere, gives me added strength to face another day.
From generation to generation, the exclamation of “I want my Mom,” lives on. And whether your Mom is living or not, their influence and love continues on in the souls of man. We continue to reach out for the strength of she who gave of her body and soul to bless our lives. No matter our age, our cries of “I want my Mom” still resonates in our minds, while reverberating throughout our bodies till it finds a permanent home in our hearts! Such connection is divine!