We live in a world that not only is saturated in envy, but truly promotes it. Advertisers are constantly telling us that we ‘lack,’ be it in our clothes, homes, autos, education, looks or yes, even our spouses.
Love is something to be highly admired, or should be. And love in marriage can be ‘the cat’s meow’ if both parties are willing to give 100%. I like the counsel given by David O. McKay. He said that “during courtship we should keep our eyes wide open, but after marriage keep them half shut.” Good sound advice for the days in which we live. Because of mass communication, we live in a world that is constantly parading in front of us ‘the perfect man’ or ‘the perfect women.” Who can compete with such propaganda? And it is propaganda!
The longer I am married to my wife, the more I am convinced that the secret to a happy marriage is a willingness to accept each others imperfections. I would go so far as to say, ‘embrace’ one another’s imperfections. Embracing imperfection doesn’t mean we encourage each others faults, but rather, recognize that we too have much to work on and if we are to become like Christ, it will take time. How much time? Who knows! That would different for all couples. All I know is that if my wife doesn’t embrace the totality of who I am and help me overcome my own imperfections, and I hers, our marriage will not survive.
The nature and differences in marriage are so varied, that any blanket statement on it, is foolishness! No one should put up with years of abuse and mistreatment at the hands of another just to ‘save’ something. However, for many of us that are in healthy relationships, it is a matter of exercising patience and love unfeigned for our beloved mate. I love the words of Paul, written to the Ephesians and found in the 5th chapter.
‘So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it…”
Paul was speaking to husband but surely the same counsel applies to wives. Let us be kind, and long suffering with our mates and may we help one another along the path that leads back to our Father. We can have a marriage that is ‘admired.’ May we not only hear, but strain to feel the soft purring of the spirit, as it leads and directs our unions in righteousness. We can do better!