My Reflection In Her Face

A number of years ago my wife and I were wallpapering in the house. She was up on the ladder and I was dutifully being the “helper.” As we talked, she would look down and ask me for different things. I would gaze up and look at her face as she would talk and work. I don’t know if it was a bolt of inspiration or just an observation. Either way, an uplifting and enlightening thought came to my mind.  As I looked at her it dawned on me that her face was the one I most gazed upon in this life. In fact, I look at her face more than my own! At that moment I recognized that her face had now become a part of me. I observed that her face had symbolically become a mirror reflection of my face.  In a way her face was now part of mine. It was then that I realized how I could never live without “her” face, because it had become “my” face. I think that is when I understood the words of Adam, when he said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man…and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2: 23-24). The recognition of this fact made me love her even more.

I am thankful to live in a time when the priesthood has been made available to all worthy men. Some are authorized to use its power to seal husbands and wives together for the eternities! That knowledge inspires me to want to live my life so that I can be “whole.” What would it be like to look eternally in the mirror and only be able to see half of your face?  Thankfully the power has been restored to make sure that our entire face can be seen forever if we live worthily.  An eternal blending of our face with that of our spouse is a true reflection of the image of God!

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