Nuts Like Us!

She was in her 98th year of life but her mind was as sharp as when she was in her prime. As she glanced about the old folks home, she once again had to remind Alice to stop tapping on the Parrott’s cage as it upset the bird and sent him squawking. Then she spied Gertrude, who was holding a conversation at the door of the house with her imaginary friend. At that moment another wonderful lady walked by singing to no one in particular. As she surveyed the scene, she sighed, and looking over at her nurse she said, “This place is nuts!”

While this good women’s assessment of her situation may have been accurate for her surroundings, I too on occasion, look around at what is swirling about my life and can’t help but think the same. Perhaps you have felt that way from time to time. The world in which we live seems to have endless challenges that come from all sides of life. Some are so unexpected that we are thrown off balance and our core beliefs and concepts of the purpose of life are challenged. However, I think it behooves us to remember that this earth was created so that we might experience life away from home. Because we have been given agency and placed in a mortal world, subjecting our bodies to death and deterioration, the results can sometimes seem all out of sorts and random…but they are not!

While our loving Father doesn’t control all that happens in this world, He has an eternal plan for our happiness. Part of that plan was to turn over this world to the control of nuts like us. In so doing He is offering to us the opportunity to grow and learn, through trial and error. Perhaps we might not like the results we are getting in our lives, but when the plan was presented to us in the pre-mortal life, the scriptures say we ‘shouted for joy!”

Here on earth, life under the control of the ‘committed’ can be discouraging. But it is only discouraging if we lose sight of the total plan, and ‘that all things testify’ of a God who loves us, and His great plan which will ultimately lead to a life of happiness and joy.

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