The Sound Of The Creator!


A number of years ago, another granddaughter was born into our family. All went well! Every time I witness the birth of a baby, I am left to marvel at the miracle of it all. And…so is everyone else that I know, or have spoken to, regarding this miraculous event. How could you not?
The question is then asked, “Is this newborn simply a physical being springing out of existence due to the natural process of multiplication, or does it comes from afar?” Quoting Stirling W. Sill:

“William Wordsworth said that our birth is a sleep and forgetting. There is one distinguishing characteristic about the moment of birth in that it is an unconscious moment; that is, no one ever realizes while he is being born that that event is actually taking place. Sometimes we don’t discover that we have been born until quite a long time afterward. Sometimes we never do find out that we have been born. I heard one man say about his friend, “He doesn’t know he is alive.” Frequently that strikes very close to the truth. That is, sometimes we don’t know why we were born. We don’t know where we came from. We don’t know the purpose of life. We haven’t any very definite program for just what we are going to do about our eternal destiny.” (“Birth, GC, April 1975)

I’m sure some don’t think the miracle of birth is anything but a natural physical event that happens, and they are entitled to that opinion. But as for me; when I hear the first cry of a newborn, in all its splendor, I can’t help but feel the jolt of God’s spirit testifying to me through that cry that there is more to life than just death. And that the purpose of life is not meaningless. No, when I hear the newborn’s cry, its message thunders across my soul, testifying of the divine nature of man. I have heard thousands of people testify over my lifetime of the reality of God, but their voices pale in comparison to the first waling sound of a newborn babe, which pierces the air and permeates my heart! It is the moment that I best recognize the sound of the Creator,  in all His glory!

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