Quotes From Both My “Fathers!”


Quoting someone, in my mind, is the highest form of compliment! I have noticed throughout my life that there is only one person that I find myself quoting over and over. That would be my father! In fact, I have quoted him so often that I wonder why it is that I don’t follow all the counsel and wisdom he has given me. I guess I do the same with my Heavenly Father as I often find myself ignoring promptings and feelings that would lead me to a better life. Yet, I know they both still love me despite my impetuous decisions and occasional irrational behavior!

My Earthly Father’s mind, now deceased four years, was sharp despite his advanced years. When we had  lunch together he was still patiently listening to me as I went on and on about things happening in my world. I usually reserved the last five minutes of our conversation for him. And in that five minutes he masterfully gave me nuggets of gold on how to better live my life and he encouraged me onward. I was always left with another fabulous quote or two to pass on to my family and friends. I was always left wondering why it was that I didn’t just be quiet and let him have most of the time, because I would have learned so much more if I did. Unfortunately, I find myself doing the same thing in my personal conversations with God. I pour out my heart to him, but seldom give Him time to answer back and give me wisdom.

I no longer have access to his wise words. But of all the quotes he has left me with, it is the words of Peter which best summarizes everything my Father has attempted to teach me. In response to Jesus question regarding the disciples continuing to follow him, Peter declares:

“Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life… We (I) believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” (John 6:68-69)

I am blessed (and I say “am” because I believe in eternal life) to have a Father whose legacy to his family, is the above quote, which captures, if taken to heart, a lesson that would change the world into a much better place. Thanks Dad! You’re teachings, highlighted by quotes, has blessed me to live a happier and more blessed life. Your example, has given me hope and faith in another Father, who also loves me, as you do; and  you taught me where to find His quotes, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. You have taught me to believe in “Quotes from both Fathers!”

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